Competitors Analysis

Competitors Analysis is very important because we need to identifying our competitors and evaluating their strategies to determine their strengths and weaknesses relative to those of our own product. We noticed that, there are two competitors that we found, which are Gaming Apparel Malaysia and Meep_Store. Both of them have different products sold, strength, weakness and also marketing tools.
Gaming Apparel Malaysia (GAM) sell some t-shirt with a general design of Dota and else. They also selling stickers and headset for gaming. The strength for this company is that they have a huge number of followers since they already operate 4 years ago. But however, they charge a higher price than us and no gifts. Recently GAM using Facebook and also Blog to promote their brand.

Secondly is Meep_Store which selling products quite same with Tranquil Collection. They selling jerseys and also team hoodies. The strength of Meep_Store is the price itself where they charge cheaper than us. Moreover, they using Instagram, Twitter and Facebook to market their products because they believed targeted customers are in there. Lastly, the weaknesses of Meep_Store is they do not have numbers of followers but have many customers because customers spread their brand from mouth to mouth. Hence, the founder of this company received an overload customer. 

Sheikh ~ 1625725~


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