Industry Analysis

Industry analysis is very important for us to predict our company's performance in the future. We use Porter's 5 Forces Model to analyze our industry whether it is good enough or not. Firstly, we see that there is not much differentiation in the products sold in the industry. Many competitors sold products look same alike with each other, hence there will be very stiff competition in short coming.

Secondly, the threat of new entrants to the industry. The level of difficulties for entering e-sports apparel industry is quite low. People can easily startup their business and sell products like us. Due to this easiness to enter the industry, there will be more competitors in the future. Moreover, the bargaining power by supplier is quite low, because there are many supplier located in Malaysia and even overseas that can provide us products with a low price. However, the buyers have a lots of bargaining power because the number of sellers in this industry exceeding the number of buyers.

Last but not least, the fifth Porter's model is about the threat of substitute goods and services. Tranquil collection is not only compete with e-sport rivals but also from other apparel industry such as Adidas and Nike which already in customer's eyes brands that provide high quality product. We believe that when we focus on our company's strengths, we can achieve our mission and vision.

Sheikh ~ 1625725 ~


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